Update from October 8, 2024, 6:30 P.M.

As mentioned yesterday, classes will resume virtually (on Teams) on Monday, Oct. 14 and the official reopening of Montreat College’s main campus remains dependent on the diligent work being done by the Town of Montreat to restore the town’s water distribution system. Our target to reopen campus for residential occupation and face-to-face instruction is Monday, Oct. 21. We will continue to provide daily updates should this date need to change.

As of yesterday, the town reported that 80% of Montreat homes have water. However, only 50% of the town’s well pumps are functioning, which is slowing the process of filling the storage tanks that supply water. Restoring full pump capacity is the top priority. While water is available on campus, it is not safe for drinking or preparing meals at this time. The boil advisory remains in place.

Power and internet services are fully restored on campus. We realize many employees have temporarily relocated outside the area due to property damage and the loss of power and water at their homes. However, if desired, local employees without power or limited connectivity at their homes may now work from campus. Please speak with your supervisor if you have questions about your work expectations.

For students wishing to get course materials and/or belongings for virtual learning next week, residence hall buildings will be open this Thursday (10/10) and Friday (10/11) between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. for students.  

Students, please check your email regularly, both in anticipation of instruction resuming virtually on Oct.14 and as registration online for the spring semester will commence one week later on Oct. 21. Again, thank you for your patience and cooperation as we eagerly anticipate resuming classes virtually next week (Oct. 14-18) and returning students to campus on Oct. 21.

Update from October 7, 2024, 4:00 P.M.

While we were optimistic about reopening Montreat College’s campus on Oct. 14, the Town of Montreat’s water system is not restored completely, and the timeline for full restoration remains fluid. As a result, we are making the decision to offer virtual classes the week of Oct. 14 and delaying the reopening campus. Most classes will meet on Teams at their normal times with faculty and students joining virtually, and the remaining classes will operate without regular synchronous meetings (will take place outside of normal class periods). Specific information will be conveyed to individual classes by their faculty and departments.

As a reminder, campus remains closed and classes will not be held this week (Oct. 7-11) for our School of Arts and Sciences (SAS). Our online classes with the School of Adult and Graduate Studies (AGS) are currently operating largely as planned. Any changes to AGS online classes or deadlines will be communicated directly from individual faculty or the academic leadership. AGS students with connectivity issues should contact their professors directly to seek advice. 

The official reopening of Montreat’s main campus will be communicated once we have further information from the Town of Montreat and only upon assurance of the safety of our students and employees. In order to meet the needs of our students and colleagues, employees should work with their supervisors to determine a way to work remotely until further campus remediation can be completed.

We appreciate your patience as we finalize preparations to safely resume full in-person campus operations. We look forward to reopening campus as soon as we can. Please continue to monitor your email, text, social media, and the college website on a daily basis for further updates. 

“Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!…He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:1,3).

Update from October 4, 2024, 4:15 P.M.

Campus Reopening Monday, October 14

Dear Montreat College students and employees,

I know that you individually, and we collectively, have been through a very difficult week. The experience of Hurricane Helene has left a wake of destruction and personal pain. Know that we have been in prayer for you, knowing that the effects of Helene will be long-lasting in some cases. 

I am so grateful that our students, faculty, and staff are safe. I praise and thank God for this daily. As we continue to navigate the aftermath of Helene, I am pleased to announce we have power and partial water restoration on Montreat College’s main campus with full water restoration anticipated next week. 

Several campus buildings sustained minor to medium damage. Full remediation is underway in each of these buildings. The most significant damage occurred in McAlister Gymnasium. We now know that McAlister is structurally sound, and we anticipate a full renovation of the building. 

I am thrilled to announce we are on target to reopen campus and resume classes on Monday, October 14. Likewise, we anticipate campus residence halls will reopen for residential students on Sunday, October 13, and Howerton Dining Hall will begin regular meal service on Sunday evening. 

It is not fully clear to us if the first days of classes will be virtual or in person. We will have more information for you next week. Because of the circumstances, we will NOT be holding our regularly scheduled Fall Break on October 21 and 22, and we plan to end the semester as scheduled on December 12.

While we’re optimistic we can implement this reopening timeline, many details are still fluid. We will continue to update you with the latest information, and we thank you for your continued prayers, thoughts, and encouragement. Please check your email, texts, and the college website during the 5 p.m. ET hour Monday through Friday next week.

For employees, if you are safe and able to work remotely, we ask that you continue to do so next week. If you are currently unable to work remotely, please work with your supervisor on a plan that will allow you to resume your normal Monday through Friday work hours remotely or back on campus by Oct. 14.

Students, if you need to talk to someone, please email counselors@montreat.edu or kathleen.walden@montreat.edu and someone from our staff will schedule a time to speak with you. Employees, if you need to talk to someone, please email rachel.toone@montreat.edu, and she will connect you to counseling services. 

We are eager to resume campus operations but know the days and weeks ahead will be challenging for our region and for many of your families. We encourage you to hold fast to the promises of Psalm 91:1-2, “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’” 

Please continue to take good care of yourselves and others.

Paul J. Maurer

Update from October 3, 2024, 5:15 P.M.

Montreat College students and employees,

We continue to thank God for His protection. All reports indicate our students, staff, and faculty are all accounted for and are safe. Recovery and remediation efforts are already underway to restore our campus facilities as quickly as possible.

We are working on a plan to safely reopen campus; however, we cannot bring everyone back to campus until power and water service are restored. We are anxious to gather our campus community back together and resume the semester. We will communicate more specific information concerning what reopening campus will look like early next week.

Decisions remain fluid. We are grateful for your continued flexibility, prayers, and support. We will begin providing updates via email, text, and the college website during the 5 p.m. ET hour Monday-Friday. Please continue to watch for updates.

Although this has been a difficult week for many of you, we encourage you to remember that “the eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27).

Montreat College Emergency Response Team

Update from October 1, 2024, 3:15 P.M.

We are actively assessing campus conditions and working to establish a timeline for resuming classes and reopening the campus. These decisions depend on the restoration of power, water, and critical infrastructure in our area, which is still uncertain. We appreciate your patience, flexibility, understanding, and prayers as we navigate through our recovery process.

Update from October 1, 2024, 9:00 A.M.

Many of our alumni, parents, and friends are asking how they can support the college’s recovery. We know many cannot give because they were also impacted by Helene. However, if you’re in a position to make a financial gift to our Campus Recovery Fund or Community Benevolence Fund, every dollar will be used to help us rebuild our beautiful campus and support those within our community who’ve experienced significant property damage and loss. We are grateful for your continued prayers and support.

Update from September 30, 2024, 11:30 A.M.

This morning we are glad to report that all students have been safely relocated off campus following the recent flooding. At this time, we ask that all students and parents do not return to campus to retrieve vehicles or personal belongings until further notice.

Please be aware of the following updates:

  • Campus buildings are locked and currently inaccessible.
  • Gas is not available in the surrounding area, making travel unsafe and unreliable.
  • Traffic on roadways is delaying essential aid and supplies needed for the community’s recovery.

We will notify you as soon as it is safe to return to campus. In the meantime, please continue to follow official updates.

Thank you for your patience, understanding, and support as we navigate this challenging time together.

Update from September 29, 2024, 4:30 P.M.

The majority of our students have left campus, and we are working to find safe off-campus lodging for the remaining students. With most students safely relocated, we are shifting our attention to assessing the condition of the college’s physical plant as we begin recovery efforts. As a reminder, there will be no classes or activities through at least Oct. 6.

We will continue to provide updates as we have more information to share.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging…The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” Psalm 46: 1-3, 7

Montreat College Emergency Response Team

Update from September 28, 2024, 4:30 P.M.

Montreat College students and employees,

Montreat College has canceled all classes and activities through Sunday, Oct. 6. There is now a safe route on and off campus. However, according to state and local officials, “All roads in Western North Carolina should be considered closed, and non-emergency travel is prohibited. I-40 is impassable in multiple locations, and I-26 is closed at the Tennessee state line. Traveling in this area for non-emergency purposes hinders needed emergency response.”

While staying on campus is inconvenient without power and running water, our students are safe and have access to shelter, food, and drinks. We have a limited number of functioning restroom facilities. Additional food and water supplies and a small refrigeration truck will arrive tonight to ensure we’re able to continue serving meals to those on campus. The 7:30 p.m. campus-wide curfew will remain in effect through the weekend. 

We strongly encourage students to remain on campus until additional roadways can be cleared. If students must leave, they should have access to the following items:

  • A reasonable amount of gas. Gas stations in the area are not able to provide fuel. Travel is slow and often requires many additional miles of detours to reach anywhere. Do not attempt to drive if you are low on gas.
  • Cash. Many places cannot accept card payments due to power, internet, and cellular service issues. You will likely need cash to purchase food, drinks, or fuel.
  • Reliable cell service. Due to damaged cell towers, most cellular service providers are not able to provide reliable coverage on campus or around the region.

Buncombe County Emergency Management advises students to remain on campus and not to attempt ANY travel after dark. Current road conditions can be viewed at www.drivenc.gov.  

We will continue to care for the students who are on campus and are grateful to God for their continued safety and His provision. We also recognize many in our community have lost homes and property, and there is significant loss of life. Please continue to support one another in the days and weeks ahead. We covet your prayers and will provide additional updates tomorrow (9/29). 

“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you. – Isaiah 45:10

Montreat College Emergency Response Team

Update from September 27, 2024, 8 P.M.

Good evening, Montreat College students, faculty, staff, 

We are still assessing the full impact of Hurricane Helene on the Montreat College campus. First of all, I am grateful for the safety of our students and employees. Everyone is safe. 

I am also deeply grateful for the immediate and persistent efforts of our on-the-ground employees who are working around the clock to keep our students safe and to address the multiple issues we face.

This was an unprecedented storm and the damage to Western North Carolina and our campus is significant. In the past 24 hours, the Montreat community and our broader area has experienced significant flooding, debris, and downed trees and power lines. Many bridges and roadways have also been damaged or potentially compromised. Currently, we are expected to be without power until late Sunday night; however, we are fully prepared to continue to support students on campus until power is restored.

At the moment, approximately 450 students remain on campus. Most of our residence halls weathered the storm well and remain staffed 24/7, and our campus community continues to support one another during this time. The Howerton Dining Hall remains open for normal meal times and service.

The largest facility impact on campus was McAlister Gymnasium, which has experienced significant water intrusion that we believe may have compromised the building’s structural integrity. The building is closed while we determine next steps.

We are working closely with the Town of Montreat to assess the integrity of roads and bridges in and around campus. However, until it is deemed safe to travel, we urge everyone to continue sheltering in place. Please refrain from attempting to explore the area, as conditions remain hazardous.

To help ease the stress on an already taxed water and sewer system, we are asking everyone to make a concerted effort to conserve water. Every bit helps as we work to maintain essential services. We have implemented a curfew of 7:30 p.m. to ensure the safety of our students. In the meantime, we will continue to provide updates and resources to ensure everyone is safe.

Academically, we are canceling all School of Arts & Sciences classes Monday. We plan to resume classes via online learning Tuesday, until further notice.

Thank you for your prayers, support, and understanding.


Paul J. Maurer, Ph.D.
President & CEO