Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Montreat College Online through the School of Adult & Graduate Studies
Classes start April 28, 2025!
Earn your degree in Accounting
Montreat College’s fully online Bachelor of Science in Accounting program provides a valuable balance of theory and practical experience and prepares students for a variety of career paths in today’s business world. The program promotes immediate implementation of classroom theory to the work environment, with courses on finance and accounting, decision-making, ethics, auditing, and data analysis. With Montreat College’s B.S. in Accounting, you can be confident in your ability to succeed as an accounting professional.
Accounting Degree Highlights
- Gain background you need to meet the requirements and challenges of current-day financial management.
- Learn how to apply accounting principles to all areas of accounting, auditing, corporate finance, principles of economics, and business policy.
- Learn how to maintain account books, accounting systems, financial statements, and financial records so that they are accurate and efficient while complying with legal rules and regulations.
- Learn how to apply biblical principles in order to solve ethical or financial concerns.
For over 25 years, Montreat College Online through the School of Adult and Graduate Studies has been helping adult students acquire essential skills, complete their degrees, and take their career to the next level. Montreat offers undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs in a classroom or online.
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Frequently Asked Questions
When are the start dates for the Accounting degree program?
Please see the admissions page for specific enrollment and start dates.
How long does it take to complete the Accounting degree program?
A Bachelor’s Degree is 120 credit hours and can take one to four years to complete depending upon the amount of credits you transfer in.
How much does the Accounting degree program cost?
Montreat College programs are competitively priced, and we offer multiple forms of financial aid to help you achieve your educational goals. Please see the current AGS Tuition and Fees page here. Also, please keep in mind that there are multiple college and government financial aid programs available to help mitigate the cost of your education. You can learn more about your financial aid options
What are the length of online courses?
Starting Fall 2021, all courses will be eight-week sessions. There are 2 sessions in a semester. To be considered a full-time undergraduate student, a student must take 12 credit hours per semester. For the 12 credit hours, the student must take 2 courses (6 credit hours) the first eight-week session and 2 courses (6 credit hours) the second eight-week session. Semesters in this program are Spring, Summer, and Fall.
What professional fields does this degree prepare me to potentially enter?
- Accounting Professionals
- Financial Analysts
- Financial Managers
- Book-Keepers
- Auditors
What graduate programs does this degree prepare me to apply for?
- Master of Accountancy
What is the job market and security like for people with an Accounting degree?
The projected job growth and projected salary of graduates with this degree is promising. The regional outlook job growth expected is 8.34% in North Carolina over the next 10 years, and 5.24% job growth, nationally. Therefore, the market demand for graduates of this particular degree is evident.
What are the CPA requirements?
North Carolina:
Other States:
What are the admissions requirements?
Applicants must submit the following for admissions consideration:
- Montreat College Application for Admission
- Official, final transcripts of all college courses taken*
- Overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale or higher in all previous college work attempted.
- Official, final high school transcript or its equivalent (if transferring less than 12 semester credits of college credit)*
- American Council on Education (ACE) verification demonstrating any eligible CLEP and DSST examinations, and non-collegiate military training.
*All final transcripts must include graduation information
BUSN 3501 Business Ethics and Business Law
This course examines, analyzes, and applies the nature, formation, and system of law in the United States to the modern business environment. It also raises basic questions on moral reasoning and the morality of economic systems both in the United States of America and internationally, and examines the ethical relationships between the corporation, its employees, and its customers.
BUSN 2622 Economics for Decision-Makers
Thorough understanding of economic concepts is a crucial part of effective decisionmaking. Economics for Decision Makers teaches students to consider micro and macro-economic theories when making business decisions. In addition, both rational and behavioral aspects of economics are studied, providing students a variety of perspectives when considering multiple alternatives.
BUSN 3667 Money, Markets, and the Economic Environment
This course explores the fundamental elements of developed market economies and the major factors that affect them. This includes investigating the core assumptions of economies, how government regulation affects economic growth, and the impact of globalization on world markets. Students learn to analyze economic policy to make business decisions that help them navigate the economic environment.
BUSN 2201 Principles of Accounting I
Proprietary-based treatment of the accounting cycle, financial statements, merchandising, cash receivables, payables, inventories, plant property and equipment, payroll, accepted accounting principles and partnerships. Pre- or Co-requisite: BUSN 1101.
BUSN 2202 Principles of Accounting II
Treatment of corporations, investment, consolidated statements, tax impact on decision, statement analysis, changes in financial position, responsibility account, manufacturing, cost process job order, and standard. Pre- or Co-requisite: BUSN 2201.
BUSN 3614 Data Analysis for Business
This course is designed to educate the undergraduate business student in the ability to work with data and statistical ideas. Students acquire the ability to describe data accurately, to make reliable inferences from data, and to assess critically the reported results of a variety of statistical studies by using various statistical methods and tools to analyze data in diverse example applications. Statistical methods and tools utilized include graphical and numerical data description, sampling techniques, probability distributions, tests of hypotheses, and analysis of variance. Emphasis is placed on understanding the purpose of each procedure, performance the procedure using the software tools, and emphasis on interpretation and application of the results to organizational problems. Prerequisite: MATH 1210.
BUSN 4207 Issues in Corporate Finance
This course lays the groundwork for determining the value of the organization by conveying the ideas of cash flow, time value of money, bond and stock valuation, and capital budgeting. Prerequisite: BUSN 2201.
BUSN 3210 Intermediate Accounting I
This course provides comprehensive and in-depth coverage of accounting principles. The accounting cycle steps are reviewed, and more complex accounting problems are presented; students will learn to apply accounting theories and follow accounting standards. Topics include revenue recognition, financial statement preparation, cash, accounts receivable, inventories, long-term tangible and intangible assets, and accounting ethics. (Prerequisite: BUSN 2202 Principles of Accounting II)
BUSN 3217 Accounting Information Systems
In this course, students will become familiar with using accounting information systems, with a focus on accounting and processing controls for automated accounting systems. In this course, students will develop and implement an automated accounting system, and learn the fundamentals of popular accounting software and processes for using and managing accounting information systems. (Prerequisite: BUSN 2201 Principles of Accounting I)
BUSN 3220 Intermediate Accounting II
This course prepares students for more advanced analysis of the statement of cash flows, investments, long-term liabilities, leases, pensions, income taxes, and shareholders’ equity. (Prerequisite: BUSN 3210 Intermediate Accounting I)
BUSN 3255 Managerial Accounting
In this course, students will learn budgeting, standard costs, analysis of variances, job order costing, process costing, activity-based costing, cost-volume-profit analysis, and responsibility accounting, with a focus on supporting decision-making processes. (Prerequisite: BUSN 2202 Principles of Accounting II)
BUSN 4205 Advanced Accounting
Advanced Accounting provides students a deeper study of business combinations and consolidation accounting, including the accounting relationships between parent and subsidiary business entities, the processing of intracompany transactions, and elimination entries. Additional topics include recording foreign currency exchange transactions, translations of foreign subsidiary financial statements and partnership accounting. (Prerequisite: BUSN 3220 Intermediate Accounting II)
BUSN 4234 Federal Income Tax
This course introduces students to the individual federal income tax. Students will learn about essential income tax principles such as deductions, exclusions, depreciation, capital gains and losses, and income tax credits. (Prerequisite: BUSN 2201 Principles of Accounting I)
BUSN 4247 Auditing
In this course students will learn to perform the key tasks required of independent public accountants in an ethical manner. Topics include management assertions, fundamental principles, tests of controls and substantive procedures for the accounting cycles, and report forms and opinions. (Prerequisites: BUSN 3220 Intermediate Accounting II, BUSN 3217 Accounting Information Systems)
BUSN 4277 Accounting Ethics, Law, and Regulation
This course focuses on the ethical and professional responsibilities of CPAs in public and private practice. Ethical reasoning, corporate governance, decision making and ethical frameworks will be examined to provide a base of understanding. The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, Uniform Commercial Code, and other professional standards will be studied as they apply to the practice of accounting. (Capstone; Prerequisite BUSN 3220 Intermediate Accounting II)