Human Services

Montreat College Online through the School of Adult & Graduate Studies

Classes start April 28, 2025!

Preparing you for a career in Human Services

The Bachelors of Science in Human Services degree provides students with a strong foundation in human needs assessment and problem solving, as well as an internship in the field for real-world experience. Throughout the Human Services degree students will become better equipped to address issues related to trauma, crisis, human development and leadership. The skills of empathy and active listening, alongside an awareness of counseling techniques, theological groundings, and diversity are key components of the degree.

Human Services Degree Highlights

  • 100% online degree
  • Preparing and providing students with the skills to care for others
  • Leadership development in the field of human services
  • Foundational degree for graduate studies or professional careers for those with compassion, understanding, patience, and a willingness to serve

For over 25 years, Montreat College Online through the School of Adult and Graduate Studies has been helping adult students acquire essential skills, complete their degrees, and take their career to the next level. Montreat offers undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs in a classroom or online.

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Frequently Asked Questions

When are the start dates for the Human Services degree program?

Please see the admissions page for specific enrollment and start dates.

How long does it take to complete the Human Services degree program?

A Bachelor’s Degree is 120 credit hours and can take one to four years to complete depending upon the amount of credits you transfer in.

What are the length of online courses?

Starting Fall 2021, all courses will be eight-week sessions. There are 2 sessions in a semester. To be considered a full-time undergraduate student, a student must take 12 credit hours per semester. For the 12 credit hours, the student must take 2 courses (6 credit hours) the first eight-week session and 2 courses (6 credit hours) the second eight-week session. Semesters in this program are Spring, Summer, and Fall.

How much does the Human Services degree program cost?

Montreat College programs are competitively priced, and we offer multiple forms of financial aid to help you achieve your educational goals.  Please see the current AGS Tuition and Fees page here.  Also, please keep in mind that there are multiple college and government financial aid programs available to help mitigate the cost of your education. You can learn more about your financial aid options

What professional fields does this degree prepare me to potentially enter?

  • Social services agencies
  • Case management
  • Churches
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Community based agencies
  • Hospice care
  • Daycare/nursing home care
  • Juvenile justice counseling
  • Children’s home residential counselor
  • Psychosocial rehabilitation
  • And other settings …

What graduate programs does this degree prepare me to apply for?

  • Social work
  • Mental health counseling
  • Marriage and family therapy
  • Psychology and Counseling
  • Addictions recovery
  • Guidance/School counseling
  • Pastoral counseling

What is the job market and security like for people with a Human Services degree?

From the US Bureau of Labor Statistics: Employment of social and human service assistants is projected to grow 13 percent from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations. A growing elderly population and rising demand for social services are expected to drive demand for these workers.

An increase in the number of older adults is expected to result in growing demand for social services such as delivery of meals and adult daycare. Because social and human service assistants often arrange for these services, there will need to be more of them to meet this increased demand.

In addition, growth is expected as more people seek treatment for their addictions and more drug offenders are sent to treatment programs rather than to jail. As a result, demand should increase for social and human service assistants who work in treatment programs or work with people with addictions.


What are the admissions requirements?

Applicants must submit the following for admissions consideration:

  • Montreat College Application for Admission
  • Official, final transcripts of all college courses taken*
  • Overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale or higher in all previous college work attempted.
  • Official, final high school transcript or its equivalent (if transferring less than 12 semester credits of college credit)*
  • American Council on Education (ACE) verification demonstrating any eligible CLEP and DSST examinations, and non-collegiate military training.

*All final transcripts must include graduation information


PSYC 2300 Research Methods

This course is designed for upper level undergraduate students majoring in human services and psychological studies. The course will provide an introduction to research methodology and a basic framework to evaluate critically social and behavioral science research. You will be exposed to and tested on the major concepts and methods for generating hypotheses and designing a multi-measure study. This course should enable you to evaluate more critically the claims of “experts” in the popular press as well as in the scientific literature. It will also serve as preparation for graduate-level research. (3 credits, 5 weeks) Prerequisite: PSYC1100 Psychology Applied to Modern Life

PSYC 2500 Psychology and Theology Integration

A survey of the integration of Theology and Psychology with an emphasis on the theological grounding of human development, an examination of modern and postmodern understandings of soul care, and the discovery of strengths within the intersection of the theological and psychological. The topics to be covered include the following: defining integration, the holistic relationship formed within a theologically and psychologically integrative approach, the relevancy of psychology in the theological field, the relevancy of theology in the psychological field, recognizing the work of theology and psychology as soul care, theological resources for further developing one’s psychology, moral and faith development within a theologically understood human development model, and how relationships with God and others impact individual and societal psychology. (3 credits, 5 weeks) Prerequisite: PSYC1100 Psychology Applied to Modern Life

PSYC 3500 Developmental Psychology

An overview of the human life span from conception through end of life. Continuity of development as well as critical periods faced by the maturing human are emphasized using contemporary theories and research as foundation materials. Biological, physical, cognitive, emotional, sociocultural and spiritual changes across the life span are discussed. (3 credits) Pre­Requisite: PSYC1100 Psychology Applied to Modern Life

PSYC/HUMA 3900 Pre-Internship

The purpose of this course is to prepare students for the practicum/internship experience. Topics included are internship selection, making the most of the internship, resume building, and facing internship challenges. (3 credits, 5 weeks) Prerequisite: PSYC1100 Psychology Applied to Modern Life

PSYC 3941 Internship

Supervised internship provides the student with the opportunity to integrate classroom instruction with practical on-the-job learning in various areas of psychology related fields. (3 credits, 10 weeks) Prerequisite: PSYC1100 Psychology Applied to Modern Life

PSYC 4100 Theories and Principles of Counseling

An examination of several of the major theories of counseling in working with individuals, families, and small groups. Included are principles and techniques utilized in assessment, crisis intervention, contracts, and development of the therapeutic relationship. A skills component is also included. (3 credits, 5 weeks) Prerequisite: PSYC1100 Psychology Applied to Modern Life

PSYC 4400 Senior Seminar

Examines the themes of authenticity, self-actualization, and the application of psychological theory in order to explore major Christian worldview questions (what is success in life, how do I become more Christ like, etc.). (3 credits, 5 weeks) Prerequisite: PSYC1100 Psychology Applied to Modern Life

SOCI 1200 Marriage and Family

This course is a study of relationships with the opposite sex from first meeting through marriage, having and rearing a family, and divorce and remarriage. Current American norms and Christian principles for marriage and family life are examined. Social science credit. (3 credits, 5 weeks) Prerequisites: HUMA 1100

SOCI 2100 Social Welfare and Social Services

This course is a survey of the history and philosophy of social welfare and the values and practice of social services as a profession. Social science credit. (3 credits, 5 weeks) Prerequisites: HUMA 1100

SOCI 4110 Counseling Adolescents and Families

This course examines several of the major theories of counseling families. Working with adolescents within the context of their families will be given special consideration. The skills of counseling adolescents and families will also be emphasized. Prerequisites: HUMA 1100

HUMA 3000 Administration of Human Services Organizations

Students will study leadership styles, strategic planning, program evaluation, and organizational management including instruction in supervision, human resources, community development and outreach, information management, financial operations-grants and budgets. (3 credits) Prerequisites: HUMA 1100

HUMA 3200 Understanding Cultural Diversity

Students will be introduced to and develop competencies that allow him/her to be more effective when relating and/or working with individuals of diverse groups in society. Students will have opportunities to develop awareness of their own cultural values and biases, to study prevalent beliefs and attitudes of different cultures, and to develop skills useful for appropriate interactions with particular groups. (3 credits) Prerequisites: HUMA 1100

HUMA 3300 Crisis and Trauma

Students will discuss the impact of trauma on the brain along with adverse childhood experiences impacting health and development. Students will give special consideration to what happens when typical childhood development is interrupted and how to get it back on track. Students will explore both secure and insecure attachment styles as they relate to developmental trauma. (3 credits) Prerequisites: HUMA 1100

HUMA 3400 Foundations of Group Counseling

Students will be provided with an understanding of the theory and practice of group counseling. Students will explore different theoretical approaches to counseling group as well as basic principles of group dynamics and basic group counseling skills including establishing, leading, and evaluating various types of counseling groups. Ethical, legal, and professional implications of group counseling will be addressed. Each student will have the experience of being a member in a counseling group. (3 credits) Prerequisites: HUMA 1100