The Lamp Post

The Lamp Post is an interdisciplinary undergraduate arts journal—created, designed, and published by and for Montreat College students, alumni, staff, faculty, and supporters. At The Lamp Post, we believe that art comes from within and potentially creates response, reaction, inquiry, and discourse. We do not limit the definition of art; instead, we believe “we are the clay, and You our potter; all of us are the work of Your hand” (Is. 64:8).

The Lamp Post Policies

  1. The Lamp Post aims not to publish any AI-generated or plagiarized works. By submitting work to The Lamp Post, artists acknowledge that their work is original and AI has not, in any way, contributed to the submission.
  2. The Lamp Post strives to reflect and further the mission and standards of Montreat College. Therefore, The Lamp Post editors intend for publications to work within Montreat College guidelines.
  3. The Lamp Post believes that authors should be free to express themselves through their works of art. Therefore, we welcome authors who would like to submit their work anonymously.
  4. Creators retain copyright and publishing rights to all submissions without restrictions.

Submitting Work to The Lamp Post

The Lamp Post accepts submissions via email at Upon receipt of submission, the submission will be reviewed by members of the editorial staff and faculty advisors. The Lamp Post reserves the right to edit texts received; however, substantial changes are made in consultation with the original creator.

  • Please submit text documents in Microsoft Word (.docx) format, attached to your email, not as links. There is no limit to the length of submissions, but shorter (two pages or less) textual submissions are preferred.
  • Please submit visual art submissions in standard image formats (such as .png, .jpg, and .tiff). Visual art submissions should be sent as attachments to an email with the artist’s contact information present.
  • The Lamp Post considers submissions of artistic merit in any publishable form. After review, submissions will fall into one of three categories: Acception Without Revision, Acception Pending Revision, or Decline to Accept. The Editorial Board of The Lamp Post reserves the right to summarily decline works that unnecessarily glorify violence, promote any variant of prejudice, contain illicit content, or do not represent the academic standards of Montreat College.

Opinions presented herein are those of the student authors and editors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of the Montreat College administration, faculty, or staff.