Montreat Concert Choir

The Montreat Concert Choir is an ensemble dedicated to performing a wide variety of choral literature with a high level of musicianship. The choir performs music from many different genres including classics, multi-cultural works, sacred, pops, and more.

In addition to two main concerts (Christmas and Spring Pops), the Concert Choir plans to tour throughout the Southeast each spring and will perform at campus chapel services, local churches, schools, retirement homes, and other venues throughout the year. The choir seeks to represent Montreat College and its mission, and to glorify and honor God in every note that is sung.

Join Concert Choir and enjoy the following benefits:

  • Choir provides a creative outlet for students of all majors to participate in Fine Arts
  • Sizeable scholarships are available to both music and non-music majors
  • Participation in choir fulfills up to eight credits of GenEd electives
  • Optional opportunity to participate in the NC American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) Collegiate Honor Choir held each Fall

Choir at Montreat is not just a class, it is a family! We love each other, we praise God together, and we always give a wonderful performance because of our hard work! Trust me, this is the class that you will be most excited about every week if you love singing and inside jokes! – Annabelle, ‘23

“I love choir because it gives me a chance to sing, which I love to do, and share it with others. I get to learn how to improve my individual sound and work as a team with a community who loves music as much as I do!” – Caprice, ‘22

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m not planning to major in music. Can I still be involved in choir and receive scholarship money?

Yes. Most students who participate in choir are not music majors. Additionally, scholarships are given based on merit, rather than major.

How big is the choir?

The Montreat College Choir currently has 41 students – 15 men and 26 women.

What kind of music does the choir sing?

The choir sings music from all styles and genres of choir repertoire – classical, sacred, secular, gospel, Christmas, and multicultural, as well as popular music.

I’m planning to participate in a sport at Montreat. Can I still be in choir?

Yes…most of the time. There are some sports that practice at the same time as choir rehearsals. In that case, it may not be possible to be involved in both activities. However, when possible, the choir director is willing to work with athletic coaches to make both activities work for the student. Please contact choir director, Katie Talsma, at with your specific sport information if this is something you would like to pursue.

I’ve been offered a sports scholarship. Can I also receive a choir scholarship?

In most cases, you cannot stack an athletic and choir scholarship. However, the music department is willing to look into this possibility on an individual basis.

Doing well academically is my main priority in college. How much extra time does choir take up?

Generally, choir does not take a large amount of time outside of scheduled rehearsals. If you would like, the choir director can connect you with a student who currently participates in choir. This will allow you to hear about choir from a student’s point of view.

I’m in the honors program. Can I stack an honors and a choir scholarship?

Sometimes. If you would like to stack a choir scholarship and an honors scholarship, please contact the choir director, Katie Talsma, at

What is expected of choir members, besides attending rehearsal?

Choir members are expected to participate in concerts that occur throughout the year. The amount of personal practice time needed outside of class is dependent on the student. Most current students spend 0.5-2 hours on their music each week outside of rehearsal. Usually that involves time spent memorizing a song or listening to practice tracks to learn their part when a new song is introduced.

Annual performance opportunities include:

  • Christmas and Spring Pops Concerts.
  • Participation in NC American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) Collegiate Honor Choir for select students.
  • Participation in Sunday morning worship services at local churches.
  • Collaborating with the college Worship Ensemble to lead music at chapel.
  • Service day and singing for the chapel service at a local rescue mission.
  • A 3-day spring tour sharing music with a wider, regional audience, including K-12 school assemblies and an evening concert. (Note: students will not be asked to cover tour expenses.)


As the choir grows both in size and quality, opportunities to represent the college and share music with others will also increase. However, the choir director is committed to maintaining balance for the students and helping to ensure that their academics will not suffer because of choir commitments.

For more information, please email Choir Director, Katie Talsma, at