Worship Team Ensemble
The Montreat College Worship Team Ensemble is composed of students from various Christian faith traditions who have a shared passion for leading worshippers into God’s presence through the art of music.
Students on the team will lead worship during weekly campus chapel and other worship services throughout the semester. They will have the opportunity to be a key voice in the creative leadership process.
Ensemble roles include musicians, vocalists, and technical and production staff. Training will be provided for students who wish to be technical or production staff.
If you would like to learn more about the Montreat Worship Team Ensemble, please contact Peter Buchwald at peter.buchwald@montreat.edu.
Frequently Asked Questions
I’m not planning to major in music. Can I still be involved in the Worship Team Ensemble and receive scholarship money?
Yes, non-music majors are eligible to receive Worship Team Ensemble scholarships.
What kind of music does the Worship Team Ensemble play?
We play all kinds of contemporary and traditional worship music to create an environment where all people are invited into a time of worship.
I’m planning to participate in an athletic program at Montreat. Can I still be in the Worship Team Ensemble?
Yes… most of the time. There are some sports that practice at the same time as Worship Team Ensemble rehearsals. In that case, it may not be possible to be involved in both activities. However, when possible, the Worship Team Ensemble director is willing to work with athletic coaches to make both activities work for the student. Please contact Peter Buchwald at peter.buchwald@montreat.edu with your specific athletic team information if this is something you would like to pursue.
I’ve been offered an athletic scholarship. Can I also receive a Worship Team Ensemble scholarship?
In most cases, you cannot stack an athletic and Worship Team Ensemble scholarship. However, the music department is willing to look into this possibility on an individual case-by-case basis.
I’m in the honors program. Can I stack honors and a Worship Team Ensemble scholarship?
Yes, Worship Team Ensemble scholarships are stackable with honors scholarships not to exceed the price of full tuition.
What is expected of Worship Team Ensemble members, besides attending rehearsals?
Members will be expected to maintain academic progress, and their Christian character should be reflected in their life choices and conduct.