Express Check In Instructions for Spring 2022

We are so grateful for your efforts to take responsibility for completing your important paperwork and paying your bill. As a reward, we have approved you for Express Check In for the spring semester on Sunday, January 9th. Please read through this information carefully as you make plans for your return to campus for the Spring 2022 semester in January.

Express Move-in | Sunday, January 9th | 1-9 p.m.

    • Who: Any residential student (FIRST YEAR or RETURNER) who has been cleared to move in by all campus administrative offices.
      • Qualified students will receive an official email and text from Montreat College stating that you are cleared to move in. This will come in a separate communication that you can expect by Friday, January 7th.
    • Where: Anderson Auditorium
      • Students must report to the Anderson Auditorium parking lot before reporting to their residence hall. 
    • When: Students can report to campus at the designated times below based on the first letter of their last name.
      • A-G: 1-4 p.m.
      • H-Q: 4-7 p.m.
      • R-Z: 7-9 p.m.
  • **Students will not be permitted to move in if they arrive after 9 p.m.

If you decide to bypass early move-in, please follow the instructions for regular move-in below. 


Please watch this helpful video to better understand the process for check-in.