
Wherever you are in your faith journey, there’s a place and a purpose for you at Montreat College. Your spiritual formation is an essential part of your education, and Montreat College is committed to teaching you to engage culture within the context of a Christ-centered worldview.

Why worship?
Corporate worship is at the heart of life at Montreat College, reorienting our perspective on everything else we do. Throughout history and around the world, Christians have expressed worship through a variety of styles and forms. At Montreat, two of our primary spaces of worship (though not the only ones) are Chapel and Compline.

Although our chapels aren’t mandatory, a large percentage of our student body regularly attends to worship and grow through biblical teaching, discussion panels, and student and staff testimonies.

Chapel services create space for our community to do two things: encounter the power and relevance of the biblical narrative and allow our worship of God to define our engagement with life. Per our Reformed Christian tradition, we have a particular affection for the Bible and the preached Word. Thus, in Chapel we dive into Scripture together so that we might love Jesus more deeply and follow him more faithfully. Logistically, services take place on Wednesday mornings in Graham Chapel and typically involve student-led worship and a brief sermon that ties into a semester-long series.

Pronounced “Com-plin” as in “twin,” Compline has been practiced by Christians for generations, beginning as early as the fourth century. Historically, monastic communities prayed this night prayer together just before going to bed. 

Today, Compline is still practiced by Christians around the world. At Montreat, this brief night service is based on the Book of Common Prayer, used by Christians globally for over 500 years. This format reminds us that we never pray as individuals or isolated communities, but rather always participate as one global Church. Typically, Compline is entirely student-led and incorporates reading Scripture together, musical worship, and praying together.


To cultivate a vibrant spiritual and communal life, all-campus convocations are held each month, featuring Christian thought leaders and Gospel-centered lectures. All full-time undergraduate students must earn five convocation credits each semester.


Have questions about making announcements, getting involved in chapel services, or attendance? We’ve got you covered.