When you include a gift to Montreat College in your estate plan, you ensure your support for our work continues into the future.
About the President’s Circle
The President’s Circle is a group of donors who represent four unique giving societies.
About the Legacy Society
The Legacy Society is a group of special alumni and friends of Montreat College who make a planned gift by including the college in their estate settlements. A planned gift can be as simple as designating Montreat College as a beneficiary of your taxable assets, IRAs, and Transfer on Death accounts; or setting up a revocable trust or will. In cases where lifetime income or bequeathing complex gifts of real estate and tax-deferred retirement assets is important, it is best to seek professional advice.
Invest in Future Christian Leaders through Planned Giving.
An estate plan allows you to plan for the future. You control where your assets are divided after your lifetime. You can ensure your family is protected, save on taxes, and support Christian education for generations to come.
Not sure how to get started?
Answer a few simple questions, and we’ll point you down the right path.
Want to speak with someone at the college?
For more than a century, Montreat College has equipped students to lead and serve with wisdom, integrity, and a biblical worldview. If you are considering a planned gift, fill out the form below.
Our team is here to answer your questions and guide you through the process of ensuring that future generations receive a transformative, Christ-centered education.
“As a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ, I greatly admire the Montreat College commitment to delivering strong academics wrapped in the content of the Christian faith. Therefore, I have included the college in my estate plan to help secure the future for generations of Montreat College students.” – Howard Edington, Former Chair of Montreat Board of Trustees
What are the most common planned gifts I should consider?
Below are some common types of planned giving. You’ll find sample language, example scenarios, and more information to describe each opportunity.
Designation in a Will or Living Trust
The most common estate or planned gift is including the college in your will or living trust by allocating a percent or unrestricted dollar portion of your estate to Montreat College. You may also designate property or an estate distribution for a particular purpose. Learn More about Designation
Gift Annuity
A charitable gift annuity can provide fixed income for life at a guaranteed rate based on your age (single or two life) with immediate and long-term tax benefits and support Montreat College students receiving a Christ-centered education. Learn More about Gift Annuity
Donor Advised Fund
A donor advised fund (DAF) can be established through a third-party 501(c)3 or investment group to manage charitable donations and designate regular distributions to Montreat College on your behalf. You remain an advisor to the fund’s allocations, and the sponsoring organization provides the charitable donation tax benefit. Learn More about Donor Advised Fund
Life Insurance
Life insurance can be a meaningful option to support your legacy goals by allowing you to pay as you go and plan for future financial support of Montreat College. Learn More about Life Insurance
Establish a named endowment at Montreat College or support an existing endowment while you are still living or as part of your estate distribution at your passing. Endowments most commonly support scholarships for worthy and needy students. Learn More about Endowment
Not sure how to get started?
Answer a few simple questions and we’ll point you down the right path.
How can I analyze my estate for giving opportunity?
Receive a complimentary analysis by connecting with an attorney, a tax or financial advisor or by contacting Garrett Luck, Vice President for Advancement, at garrett.luck@montreat.edu.
Are there planned gifts that generate current income?
Yes, a charitable gift annuity can provide regular income for life.
Is there a way to designate my IRA to help the college?
Yes, you can provide all or a portion of your required minimum distribution to the college annually and avoid income tax or you can designate the college as beneficiary at your passing.
What does the Bible have to say about planned giving?
King David prepared for son Solomon who would build the temple.
How is a living will different from a medical power of attorney?
Living wills specify what actions should be taken for an individual’s health if they are no longer able to make decisions for themselves. With a medical power of attorney, a person can appoint someone to make medical decisions for them, when someone is unable to do so on their own. For more information, read Dave Ramsey’s article, “What Is a Living Will and Do You Need One?”
Next Steps
- Contact Garrett Luck, Vice President for Advancement, at garrett.luck@montreat.edu for additional information on planned giving.
- Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
- If you include Montreat College in your estate plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.
- Legal Name: Montreat College
- Address: P.O. Box 1267, Montreat, NC 28757
- Federal Tax ID Number: 56-0543261
310 Gaither Circle | P.O. Box 1267 | Montreat, NC 28757 | 828.669.8012 | admissions@montreat.edu