President's Circle Legacy Society

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Gift Annuity

Gift Annuity Infographic

A charitable gift annuity is the most popular of annuities which provides guaranteed income for life and years of tax advantages. Here is an example for a two-life charitable gift annuity (CGA): husband age 73 and wife age 75 establish a CGA with their favorite charitable organization with a $100,000 gift.

As of March 2021, this couple would receive a charitable deduction for the tax year 2021 for $37,370 and annual annuity payments of $4,800 at a lifetime guaranteed rate of 4.8%.

There are several types of gift annuities, but the deferred gifts are becoming more popular as individuals live longer and want to make sure they don’t outlive their assets. A deferred gift annuity provides a future guaranteed income stream for your retirement or someone else, e.g. college education for grandchildren.

Elderly Couple Dancing

Not sure how to get started?

Answer a few simple questions, and we’ll point you down the right path.

Want to speak with someone at the college?

Garrett Luck

Garrett Luck
Vice President for Advancement

“There aren’t that many Christian colleges left, and we want to do our part to help strengthen Montreat College for young people seeking a Christian education.”
Joe and Janet Caudell

The Caudells

Next Steps

  1. Contact Garrett Luck​, Vice President for Advancement, at for additional information on planned giving.
  2. Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
  3. If you include Montreat College in your estate plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.
    1. Legal Name: Montreat College
    2. Address: P.O. Box 1267, Montreat, NC 28757
    3. Federal Tax ID Number: 56-0543261

Learn about the many benefits of a charitable gift annuity in our FREE guide.