Wilson Scholar Profiles

Our Wilson Scholars carry on Miss Wilson’s legacy of love, care, and service to Montreat College and their fellow students.

Julianna Doyle

Julianna, ’25

Environmental Science
Working Position: President’s Office

“Montreat College has become a second home to me. I have had the opportunity to engage in educational pursuits that I would not have anywhere else, leaning deeper
into my God, the world He has made, and the people He has placed around me. I am endlessly grateful for the time I have been given on this beautiful campus and the donor support that makes it possible.

Amy from Wilson Scholars

Kylie, ’27

Health Science
Working Position: Advancement Office

“I absolutely love Montreat—the small class sizes, Christ-centered education, and beautiful scenery. In my time here, I have seen so much growth academically and mentally, but, most importantly, spiritually. The small campus helps you meet people easily and develop deep relationships quickly. I have found a really solid group of friends who are all pursuing Christ and keep me accountable.