Wilson Scholar Profiles
Our Wilson Scholars carry on Miss Wilson’s legacy of love, care, and service to Montreat College and their fellow students.
Julianna, ’25
Environmental Science
Working Position: President’s Office
“Montreat College has become a second home to me. I have had the opportunity to engage in educational pursuits that I would not have anywhere else, leaning deeper
into my God, the world He has made, and the people He has placed around me. I am endlessly grateful for the time I have been given on this beautiful campus and the donor support that makes it possible.“
Kylie, ’27
Health Science
Working Position: Advancement Office
“I absolutely love Montreat—the small class sizes, Christ-centered education, and beautiful scenery. In my time here, I have seen so much growth academically and mentally, but, most importantly, spiritually. The small campus helps you meet people easily and develop deep relationships quickly. I have found a really solid group of friends who are all pursuing Christ and keep me accountable.“
310 Gaither Circle | P.O. Box 1267 | Montreat, NC 28757 | 828.669.8012 | admissions@montreat.edu